Auto-generate Flow Chart from Java/C++ Codes:

Raptor Flowchart Tutorial For Beginners

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Quickstart


Starting MPP2010

(Expected duration: 1 minute)
  1. Click START button. Click ALL PROGRAMS. Click MICROSOFT OFFICE folder. When the submenu appears on screen, click Microsoft PowerPoint 2010.
You may proceed to the next exercise.

Application Interface

(Expected duration: 5 minutes)
  1. When MPP2010 starts, its application window will look like the following image.
  2. The meaning of each MW2010 application window component:-

Quick Access Bar
Displays commonly used short cuts
Title Bar
Displays Document Name and Application Name
Window Control Bar
Displays Close Button, Restore/Maximize Button and Minimize Button
Displays application menu. (The Show/ Hide button is marked by the triangle symbol (4a))
Displays Slides/Outlines
Status Bar
Displays content options
Viewing Bar
Displays viewing options
Content Window
Display Slide Content
  1. Close MPP2010.

Creating New Presentation

  1. Start MPP2010.
  2. By default, MPP2010 will create a new document and assign a name “Presentation1” to it. You can check this by looking at the Title Bar.
  3. Notice the content window contains the following slide layout. It consists of the Title Text Box and Subtitle Text Box.

  1. Type “Nursery Rhyme” into the Title Text Box and “Introduction” into the Subtitle Text Box as follows.

  1. Notice the Slides/Outlines Panel. The slide preview shows the items that have been added through the Content Window.

  1. We are going to add a new slide. Right-click at the grey area within Slides/Outlines Panel. Choose New Slide.

  1. A new slide is added to the document. Notice that the new slide has a different layout, i.e. Title and Text Contents.

  1. Type “What is Nursery Rhyme?” into the Title Text Box and type the following text into the Content Text Box.
    The term nursery rhyme is used for "traditional" poems for young children in Britain and many other countries.

  1. Add the third slide. Right-click at the Slides/Outlines Panel and choose New Slide. We are going to replace the “Title and Content” layout with “Two Content” layout. Point the mouse somewhere outside of the textbox. Right-click, choose Layout and then choose “Two Content”.

  1. The new layout will look as follows.

  1. Type “Nursery rhymes and education” into the Title Text Box. Type the following texts into the right Content Text Box.
Research supports the assertion that music and rhyme increase a child's ability in spatial reasoning, which leads to greater success in school in the subjects of mathematics and science.

  1. We are done with basic slide content preparation. Click the Save Shortcut button.

  1. We would like to run a slideshow now. Click the first slide in Slides/Outlines Panel. Click the Slideshow button located at the viewing panel at the bottom of the application window.

  1. The slideshow output will look like below. You can use mouse click to move to next slide. You can also use up and down arrow key to move back and forth.

  1. Save the document.
  2. Close MPP2010.

Applying Slide Theme

  1. Start MPP2010.
  2. Click File Tab>>Open. Browse for the file “nursery-rhyme.pptx” in the Tutorial folder.

  1. Click File Tab>>Save As. Save as “nursery-rhyme-angle.pptx”.
  2. We are going to apply a Slide Design to this document. Click Design Tab>>Themes and Choose “Angle” design.

  1. Run the slideshow. This time, instead of using mouse click, press F5 key.

  1. Save the document.
  2. Close MPP2010.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Word 2010 ciri-ciri dan faedah

Microsoft Word 2010 menawarkan terbaik dari semua dunia: ciri-ciri yang dipertingkatkan untuk membuat dokumen profesional yang berkualiti, cara yang lebih mudah untuk bekerja bersama-sama dengan orang, dan hampir mana-mana akses kepada fail anda.
Direka untuk memberikan anda yang terbaik alat pemformatan dokumen, Word 2010 juga membantu anda dengan mudah menyusun dan menulis dokumen-dokumen anda dengan lebih cekap, dan tinggal dicapai supaya anda boleh menangkap idea-idea yang terbaik anda bila-bila masa dan di mana sahaja ia berlaku.


Word 2010 menyediakan pelbagai alat yang baru dan lebih baik yang membantu anda kelihatan seperti pro reka bentuk dan membuat kandungan penting anda menonjol.
  • Tambah kesan seperti format mengesankan sebagai kecerunan mengisi dan pantulan terus kepada teks dalam dokumen anda. Anda kini boleh memohon banyak kesan yang sama kepada teks dan bentuk yang anda mungkin sudah digunakan untuk gambar, carta, dan grafik SmartArt.
You can now apply many of the same effects to text that you might use for pictures and graphics
  • Gunakan gambar baru dan lebih baik menyunting alat-termasuk kesan artistik serba boleh dan pembetulan maju, warna, dan tanaman alat untuk menala halus gambar setiap dalam dokumen anda untuk melihat terbaik mutlak.
Use new and improved picture-editing tools to fine-tune every picture in your document
  • Pilih daripada tema Pejabat yang lebih disesuaikan untuk menyelaraskan warna, fon, dan kesan format grafik sepanjang dokumen-dokumen anda.Customize tema untuk menggunakan peribadi anda sendiri atau penjenamaan perniagaan. Pejabat tema-tema yang sama terdapat dalam Microsoft PowerPoint dan Excel 2010, jadi ia mudah untuk memberi semua dokumen anda konsisten, kelihatan profesional.
  • Membuat satu kenyataan dengan pelbagai pilihan SmartArt grafik termasuk susun atur yang baru untuk carta organisasi dan gambar rajah untuk mewujudkan grafik mengagumkan semudah menaip senarai bullet.Grafik SmartArt secara automatik menyelaras dengan tema dokumen anda pilih, jadi besar-cari pemformatan bagi semua kandungan dokumen anda adalah hanya beberapa klik sahaja.


Word 2010 menyediakan alat yang menjimatkan masa dan memudahkan kerja anda.
  • Mencari jalan dengan Anak Tetingkap Navigasi yang lebih baik dan Cari alat. Ini peningkatan baru membuat ia lebih mudah daripada pernah untuk melayari, carian, dan juga menyusun semula kandungan dokumen kanan dari pane tunggal, mudah untuk digunakan.
Improved Navigation Pane and Find tools make it easier than ever to browse and search
  • Pulih versi draf fail yang anda ditutup tanpa menyimpan. Itulah yang betul.Ciri-ciri pemulihan versi hanya salah satu daripada banyak ciri-ciri baru yang boleh didapati daripada Pejabat baru Microsoft Backstage ™ pandangan. Backstage view menggantikan menu File tradisional di semua Office 2010 permohonan untuk menyediakan berpusat, ruang yang dianjurkan untuk semua tugas-tugas pengurusan dokumen.
  • Mudah menyesuaikan Reben yang lebih baik untuk membuat arahan yang anda perlukan yang paling mudah. Buat tab adat atau bahkan menyesuaikan terbina dalam tab.


Jika anda bekerja dengan orang lain pada dokumen dan projek, Word 2010 mempunyai alat yang anda perlukan.
  • Menggunakan baru bersama mengarang keupayaan, anda kini boleh mengedit dokumen yang sama, pada masa yang sama, sebagai ahli pasukan yang lain di lokasi lain. Anda juga boleh berkomunikasi dengan segera seperti yang anda bekerja, secara langsung dari Word. 1, 2
You can edit the same document at the same time as fellow team members in other locations
  • Jika anda bekerja untuk sebuah syarikat yang menjalankan SharePoint Yayasan 2010 fungsi ini boleh digunakan dalam firewall. Dengan Microsoft Lync dan Office Communicator kini bersepadu sepanjang Pejabat beberapa 2010 program, anda boleh melihat maklumat kehadiran yang menunjukkan adanya pengarang lain dan memulakan mesej segera atau panggilan suara secara langsung dari Word.
  • Jika anda berada di sebuah syarikat kecil atau penggunaan Word 2010 untuk rumah anda atau sekolah w ORK, anda boleh mengambil kesempatan daripada ciri-ciri bersama-mengarang walaupun Windows Live. Semua yang anda perlukan adalah percuma Windows Live ID serentak mengedit dokumen dengan orang lain. Satu akaun instant messenger (seperti percuma Windows Live Messenger) diperlukan untuk melihat kehadiran penulis dan mula perbualan mesej segera.


Idea-idea, tarikh akhir anda, projek, dan kerja kecemasan tidak selalu berlaku dengan mudah apabila anda berada di meja anda. Mujurlah, anda kini mempunyai kuasa untuk mendapatkan perkara yang dilakukan bila dan di mana anda perlu, dari Web atau walaupun dari telefon pintar anda. 3
  • Microsoft Word Web App adalah sahabat dalam talian untuk Microsoft Word yang membolehkan anda untuk melanjutkan pengalaman Word anda ke pelayar. Lihat versi tinggi kesetiaan dokumen-dokumen anda dan membuat cahaya suntingan serta. Mengakses beberapa format yang sama dan alat penyuntingan yang pada tahun 2010 Perkataan, dan kerja-kerja dalam persekitaran editing yang biasa, dari hampir mana-mana komputer dengan pelayar web. 2
  • Microsoft Word Mobile memberikan anda keupayaan untuk mengkaji semula, mengedit, atau mengulas mengenai dokumen Word dan menyediakan navigasi alat untuk melompat ke tempat yang betul setiap masa. 4
Word Mobile
Sama ada anda menulis bahawa laporan membuat kerjaya, bekerja dengan pasukan di padang yang besar akan datang, merangka resume anda, atau mendapat kerja yang dilakukan di jangka, Word 2010 menjadikan ia lebih mudah untuk mendapatkan apa yang anda perlu dilakukan dengan lebih cepat, dengan lebih fleksibel , dan dengan keputusan yang lebih baik.

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Microsoft Word 2010 Tutorial Part 1

Starting MW2010
Application Interface
Creating New Document
Opening Document
Clipboard Functions
Change Case Formatting

Starting MW2010
(Expected duration: 1 minute)
Click START button. Click ALL PROGRAMS. Click MICROSOFT OFFICE folder. When the submenu appears on screen, click Microsoft Word 2010.
You may proceed to the next exercise.

Application Interface
(Expected duration: 5 minutes)
When MW2010 starts, its application window will look like the following image.
The meaning of each MW2010 application window component:-

1Quick Access BarDisplays commonly used short cuts
2Title BarDisplays Document Name and Application Name
3Window Control BarDisplays Close Button, Restore/Maximize Button and Minimize Button
4RibbonDisplays application menu. (The Show/ Hide button is marked by the triangle symbol (4a))
5Document WindowDisplays document content
6Status BarDisplays content options
7Viewing BarDisplays viewing options

Close MW2010.

Creating New Document
(Expected duration: 10 minutes)
Start MW2010.
By default, MW2010 will create a new document and assign a name “Document1” to it. You can check this by looking at the Title Bar.
Type the following texts to the content window.
are you sleeping,
brother john?

The final output will look as follows.

Save the document by clicking the Save Shortcut Button.

The Save Dialog Window appears. MW2010 provides the suggested name as “Doc1.docx”. The extension “docx” is a standard extension file format for MW2010 documents. Save the document using the suggested name in the “Documents” folder.

Close MW2010.
By completing this exercise, you have learned to:
Create new document.
Type document contents.
Save using Save Short Cut Button.
Saving a document into a specific folder in the computer.

Opening Document
(Expected duration: 10 minutes)
In the previous exercise, you have saved “Doc1.docx” in the “Documents” folder. This exercise will reopen the document for further editing.
Start MW2010. Notice that the new empty document is created having the default name as “Document1”.
Go to Ribbon and click File.
MW2010 will show the File Tab which occupies the entire Document Window. The File Tab automatically shows the recent item. Click the document name (1).

NOTE: We refer to this action path as File Tab>>Recent>>Doc1.docx. This style of ribbon menu referencing is applicable throughout this manual.
You should see the following content. Notice that certain texts have got green zigzag underline beneath them. This is an automatic spell checker which indicates that the text spelling might not be grammatically correct. However, we will ignore this warning for now.

Add the following texts on the new line following the existing content.
morning bells are ringing!
ding, dang, dong.

The final content will look as follows.

Go to File Tab>>Save as “brother-john.docx”
Close MW2010.
By completing this exercise, you have learned to:
Use File Tab.
Open a recent document using the File>>Recent item.
Edit the existing document.
Using Save As menu.

Clipboard Functions
(Expected duration: 15 minutes)
Start MW2010.
The default Ribbon Tab shown on the screen is called Home. The first menu group from left is called Clipboard. Clipboard provides Copy and Paste functions.

Go to File Tab >> Recent >> brother-john.docx

We will perform text selection. Point the mouse to the left of the letter ‘a’ in the sentence “are you sleeping,” and Left-Click. A blinking cursor appears to the left of the letter ‘a’.

Point the mouse to the blinking cursor, Left-Click (don’t lift your finger from the click button) and drag the mouse pointer to the ‘,’ as follows

The above effect is called text highlight. Highlighted text can be further processed in various ways. One of them is the copy function. Go to Home Tab and click the Copy Button (1).

Click the mouse pointer after the ‘,’ as follows.

Go to Home Tab and click Paste Button (1).

The copied texts (1) are pasted to the right of the previously highlighted texts (2).

Repeat the Steps 6 – 9 to produce the following output, i.e. (1), (2) and (3).

Save the document.
Close MW2010.
By completing this exercise, you have learned to:
Highlight texts using mouse click and drag.
Copy texts using Copy Button.
Paste texts using Paste Button.

Change Case Formatting
(Expected duration: 15 minutes)
Start MW2010.
Open “brother-john.docx”.
The letter case of the content can be modified according to the pre-set format available from the “Change Case” button in the Font Group of the Home Tab.

Highlight all texts, click the “Change Case” Button and apply “Sentence Case.” Format.

Notice that the first letter in the first word of every sentence has been capitalized. However, the second line of the content contains special names and therefore the first letter of each word must be capitalized. Select the second line and apply “Capitalize Each Word” format.

The final output will look as follows. Notice that the green zigzag underline has disappeared, i.e. there is no spelling mistake anymore.

By completing this exercise, you have learned to:
Use “Change Case” button to set “Sentence Case.” format.
Use “Change Case” button to set “Capitalize Each Word” format.