(Maksud CBR dan CBZ Comic Archive Format)
Comic books and other books with a high graphic content can be problematic to read on traditional eBook readers. Generally the best method of displaying these kinds of books is to scan them in or photograph them and then display the resultant graphic image. What is needed is a way to collect the graphic images into a book and then be able to leaf through them like you would a traditional book. Generally you might want to see a whole page yet be able to zoom in to read the text or study details. Of the available traditional eBook formats only the PDF format has the capability to handle such a large number of images easily but PDF readers are not really designed to maximize the enjoyment in reading such a book. Of course it is also possible to use other formats so long at they support images but they do not usually have any special image viewing features.
To address this need there are two formats that have been defined, cbz and cbr. Comic Book Z is a ZIP compressed file containing the collection of images while Comic Book R is a RARcompressed file. Most readers in this group can handle either format but there are exceptions. The internal files are in a standard graphic format, usually Jpeg, PNG, GIF, or TIFF. Not all readers support all graphic formats. CBR or CBZ files are easily created from images which are displayed in alphabetical order.
Manga books (a term originating from Japan) are similar to Comic Books in the USA but are typically black and white images and lower resolution using text bubbles with larger characters. They lend themselves easily to standard eBook readers.
USA Comic books generally are in color and have very small print. USA comic books typically need a zoom mode to be read on smaller screens. They also require good gray scale capability or color.
Comic Strips are another candidate for Comic archive. These generally work well on eBook readers.
Since CBR and CBZ are really RAR and ZIP files respectively some readers can look at the contents if the extension is renamed. But to be a true reader the program must treat the pages as a book and remember where it was in the reading of the book if the person stops reading.
- Pocket PC Comic Book Reader - This reader can read only CBZ files. Compact Framework 2.0 is required.
- ComiX Reader - This reader is for PalmOS Version 5 and can read cbz and cbr files.
- Comical is a comic book reader for Linux, MacOS X and Windows. Source code is available.
- Coview. Comic book reader for Windows where the comic is the most important, not the viewer.
- CDisplay calls itself a sequential image viewing utility for Windows. It can read Jpeg, PNG, and GIF images in zip, rar, ace, cbr, cbz or tar archives.
- Droid Comic Viewer is a comic and manga reader for Android that supports CBZ, CBR and ACV.
- 6Reader features TCL/TK, Perl and reads CBR and CBZ formats. It will run where TCL/TK and Perl is supported.
- Evince has an optional package that adds Comic book support.
- ComicZeal is a comic book reader for the iPhone. Their desktop application, ComicZeal Creator, converts CBZ/CBR files to its scaled down CBI format.
- STDU Viewer is a comic book reader for Windows, that supports CBR and CBZ.
Creation programs
Some of these programs may also be used as readers.
- GonVisor Viewer can read cbr and cbz files and can be used to create them. It is a free windows application and supports both English and Spanish versions. Passwords are supported for locked files.
- Comics2Reader is a free program to create CBZ eBooks (can also create PDF) or EPUB eBooks from a set of images. It can also correct the image , remove white border around it , convert it in BW .
- ComicRack a management and converter program that can also read documents.
- MangAI - create or edit CBR or CBZ which are optimized for eBook Readers.
- JE-Comics is a Java converter that will make PDF files from graphic images and CBZ files.
- Alan Horkan blog - An entry for a windows script that can batch convert CBR files to CBZ.
- ComicTagger is a cross-platform GUI/CLI app for writing metadata to comic archives.
from: http://wiki.mobileread.com/wiki/CBR_and_CBZ
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