Auto-generate Flow Chart from Java/C++ Codes:

Raptor Flowchart Tutorial For Beginners

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Comptia Networking The Operating System

Identifying the Types of Networks
....Peer-to-peer networks
....Server-based (client-server) networks
....Additional networking terminology
Understanding Network Topologies
Connecting with Network Cabling
....Twisted pair
....Fiber optic
Troubleshooting Networking Cables
Examining Network Access Methods
....Token passing
Piecing Together the Network Architectures
....Token Ring
Understanding Network Protocols
....IEEE Standards
....Voice over IP (VoIP)
Working with Network Devices
....Network interface card (NIC)
....Wireless access point (WAP)
Understanding Communication Methods
Ways to Network a Computer
....Network card
....Serial and parallel ports
....Infrared port

Understanding Networking Components
....Network adapter driver
....Network client
The TCP/IP Protocol
....IP address
....Subnet mask
....Default gateway
....Configuring TCP/IP in Windows 2000/XP/2003
....Configuring TCP/IP en masse using DHCP
....Automatic Private IP Addressing
Understanding Name Resolution
....NetBIOS names
....Fully qualified domain names (FQDN)
Troubleshooting with TCP/IP Utilities
Sharing File System Resources
....Share-level access control
....User-level access control
....Enabling File and Printer Sharing in Windows 2000/XP/2003
....Creating shared folders
....Hidden shares
....Multiple shares
....Connecting to shares
Sharing Printer Resources
....Sharing a printer in Windows 2000/XP/2003
....Installing a network printer in Windows 2000/XP/2003
....Installing a network printer by using Point and Print
Understanding Windows Services
....Restarting a Windows service
....Server service
....Workstation service
....DHCP Server service
....Print Spooler service
....Messenger service
....Browser service

Comptia Basic Networking

Identifying the Types of Networks
....Peer-to-peer networks
....Server-based (client-server) networks
....Additional networking terminology
Understanding Network Topologies
Connecting with Network Cabling
....Twisted pair
....Fiber optic
Troubleshooting Networking Cables
Examining Network Access Methods
....Token passing
Piecing Together the Network Architectures
....Token Ring
Understanding Network Protocols
....IEEE Standards
....Voice over IP (VoIP)
Working with Network Devices
....Network interface card (NIC)
....Wireless access point (WAP)
Understanding Communication Methods
Ways to Network a Computer
....Network card
....Serial and parallel ports
....Infrared port

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Maksud Cross-Platform Network Administrator

Cross Platform merujuk kepada sifat perkakasan dan perisian sistem komputer yang dapat dijalankan di atas pelbagai platform tetapi mengekalkan ciri-cirinya yang serupa. Network Administrator merujuk kepada peranan pentadbir rangkaian komputer. Di dalam konteks Cross Platform Application, Network Administrator perlu tahu keperluan pengguna supaya beliau dapat menyediakan infrastruktur yang berkaitan.

Antara pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang diperlukan oleh seorang Network Administrator untuk menyokong Cross Platform Application adalah seperti berikut:

1) Rangkaian komputer.

2) Memasang Windows Server.
Pada ketika ini Windows Server yang telah banyak diuji dan diberi liputan adalah Windows Server 2003.

3) Memasang Linux (Slackware)
Terdapat berbagai Linux Distribution yang boleh dimuatturun dari Internet. Linux Distribution yang dipilih adalah Slackware (Superb Mini Server, SMS) kerana saiznya kecil tetapi aplikasinya padat.

4) Membuat ujian Cross Platform Application.
Ujian Cross Platform Application diadakan untuk memastikan aplikasi seperti Web-based application berjalan tanpa sebarang masalah. Web-based Application kebiasaannya melibatkan application processing server (seperti IIS dan Apache) dan database server (seperti MS SQL dan MySQL). Secara amnya, IIS menyokong bahasa pengaturcaraan ASP dan Apache menyokong bahasa pengaturcaraan PHP. Pengetahuan lanjut di dalam IIS, Apache, ASP, PHP, MS SQL dan MySQL akan memudahkan Cross Platform Network Administrator mengadakan ujian.

Antara ujian yang boleh dijalankan:

Maksud Active Directory

(Tajuk berkaitan: Apa itu, Maksud, Makna, Erti, Active Directory)

Active Directory
Active Directory adalah pangkalan data khusus (english:special-purpose database) yang menyimpan maklumat kawalan setiap komputer dan peranti yang berada di dalam rangkaian komputer (Microsoft Windows, selepas ini disebut WINDOWS).

Figure 23-2 Domain-based network

Windows Server
Active Directory mula diperkenalkan oleh Microsoft di dalam versi Windows Server 2000. Keupayaannya mengawal dan memelihara aspek keselamatan rangkaian komputer (WINDOWS) menyebabkan ia menerima sambutan yang baik dari kalangan pengguna terutamanya sektor korporat. Semenjak itu, Active Directory terus dipertingkatkan mutunya melalui keluaran Windows Server 2003 dan Windows Server 2008.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
Active Directory menggunakan protokol Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), iaitu satu protokol yang digunakan bagi mencapai dan menyelenggara perkhidmatan direktori maklumat (english: directory information services) yang tersebar di dalam rangkaian komputer berasaskan Protokol Internet (english: Internet Protocol, IP).

From X500 to LDAP

Object, Attributes, Schema
Struktur dalaman Active Directory berbentuk susunan objek secara hirarki yang boleh dikategorikan mengikut aspek sumber dan keselamatan. Contoh objek di dalam Active Directory termasuklah users, computers, groups, sites, services, printers dan lain-lain. Setiap objek dianggap entiti yang mempunyai sifat atau atribut (english:attribute) tersendiri. Maklumat am Object dan Attributes disimpan oleh Active Directory di dalam bentuk yang dipanggil Schema.

Active Directory Framework
Rangka Kerja (english:Framework) Active Directory dibahagikan mengikut tahap (english:level). Tahap ini dikenali sebagai Forest, Tree dan Domain. Tahap-tahap ini diperkenalkan bersesuaian dengan tahap keselamatan yang diperlukan di setiap peringkat organisasi.

Domain, Tree dan Forest
Domain adalah tahap terendah dalam rangkaian komputer. Ia ditakrifkan menerusi Domain Name Structure, DNS. Tree adalah himpunan Domain manakala Forest adalah himpunanTree. Gabungan ketiga-tiga tahap ini membentuk struktur piramid.

Organizational Unit,OU
Objects yang terdapat dalam rangkaian pada tahap Domain dipecahkan pula mengikut kumpulan Organizational Unit, OU. Menerusi OU inilah, tugas pentadbiran Objectsdilaksanakan. Objects boleh ditadbir mengikut struktur jabatan, struktur geografi atau apa-apa struktur logikal lain yang sesuai. Pentadbiran setiap OU dilaksanakan mengikut Group Policy Objects (GPO) masing-masing.

Setiap Domain dikawal oleh Domain Controller, DC. DC mestilah wujud secara fizikal dan ia disebut sebagai Sites. Di sinilah Active Directory disimpan dan polisinya dilaksanakan. Apabila wujud banyak Domain dari kelompok yang sama, DC bagi setiap Domain ini akan menyimpan Active Directory yang sama dan proses Active Directory Replication akan dijalankan dari masa ke semasa untuk memastikan keseragaman maklumat. Selalunya proses ini dijalankan apabila sesuatu Object dicipta, diubah atau dihapuskan.

(diadaptasi dari:

TOPIK SETERUSNYA: Bagaimana Mewujudkan Active Directory Di Dalam Windows Server

Gallery: - Koleksi Motivasi, Kata Mutiara dan Kata Minda.

Bagaimana Mewujudkan Active Directory Di Dalam Windows Server

(Tajuk Berkaitan: Apa Itu, Maksud, Makna, Erti, Setting Up Active Directory In Windows Server)

Kewujudan Active Directory (Apakah Maksud Active Directory?) telah memudahkan tugas Pentadbir Rangkaian Komputer (english: Computer Network Administrator). Walaubagaimanapun, aspek teknikal dan logikal ketika mewujudkannya perlu diperhatikan dengan teliti agar tidak timbul masalah pengurusan ketika ia dilaksanakan kelak.

Teknikal = Langkah-langkah di dalam proses mewujudkan Active Directory.
Logikal = Susunan Objects dan kaitannya dengan organisasi pemilik Active Directory.

Berikut adalah panduan untuk Pentadbir Rangkaian yang mahu Mewujudkan Active Directory Yang Baru menggunakan Sistem Windows Server 2003. Dengan sedikit pengubahsuaian, panduan ini boleh juga digunapakai untuk Sistem Windows Server 2000 dan Sistem Windows Server 2008.

1. Server ini akan sekaligus menjadi Domain Controller(DC) dan DNS Server. Maka ia akan diberikan Static IP Address.
2. Klik Start/Control Panel/Network Connections. Pilih Network Connection anda.
3. Klik Properties.

4. Klik Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) dan klik Properties.

5. Masukkan Maklumat Static IP Address dan Preferred DNS Server. Pastikan alamat bagi kedua-duanya adalah sama.

6. Klik OK.

7. Tutup tetingkap Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties.

8. Tutup tetingkap Local Area Connection Properties.

9. Klik Start. Klik-Kanan My Computer dan pilih Properties.

10. Klik Computer Name Tab.

11. Klik More Button.

12. Masukkan nama Domain yang dikehendaki pada ruang Primary DNS suffix of this computer.

13. Klik OK.

14. Klik OK. Sahkan untuk Reboot dan klik OK.

15. Klik Yes jika anda ditanya untuk Reboot.

16. Pada Tetingkap Dialog Manage Your Server, pilih Add or Remove a role.

17. Klik Next.

18. Klik DNS Server dan klik Next.

19. Klik Next.

20. Ikut arahan Windows. Sediakan Setup CD.

21. Tunjukkan arah ke folder i386 dan klik OK.

22. Klik Next untuk memulakan DNSWizard.

23. Klik Next untuk mencipta forward lookup zone.

24. Klik Next.

25. Berikan nama zon domain anda. Klik Next.

26. Terima pilihan default.

27. Klik Allow both nonsecure and secure dynamic updates. Klik Next.

28. Tentukan "whether or not this DNS server should forward queries". Jika anda menggunakan ISP untuk mendapatkan khidmat DNS, masukkan DNS Server untuk ISP pada pilihan pertama. Jika tidak, ambil pilihan kedua. Klik Next.

29. Klik Finish.

30. Klik Finish.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Maksud Hub, Switch dan Router

(tajuk berkaitan: Apa itu, makna, maksud, erti, arti, beza, beda Hub, Switch dan Router)

Ketiga-tiga Hub, Switch dan Router kelihatan seakan-akan serupa fizikal dan fungsinya. Kesemuanya dilihat secara fizikal mempunyai port (soket sambungan di mana kabel rangkaian boleh dicucuk padanya). Kesemuanya sering disebut-sebut apabila rangkaian komputer mahu dibina. Adakah mereka serupa?

Hub adalah alat untuk menyambungkan peranti di dalam rangkaian komputer. Hub kebiasaannya digunakan untuk menyambungkan sebahagian segmen daripada rangkaian LAN (Local Area Network). Apabila isyarat paket data (english:data packet) tiba pada satu port, isyarat ini akan disalin ke port-port yang lain agar semua port menerima isyarat ini. Walaupun semua port menerima isyarat ini, hanya port yang bersambung dengan peranti destinasi data sahaja yang akan menerima dan menghantar isyarat ini ke destinasi tersebut.

Sifat hub yang mengulangi isyarat ke semua port menjadikan ia tidak cekap kerana hal ini akan mengakibatkan laluan data menjadi sesak.

Switch adalah alat yang boleh menapis (english:filter) dan menghantar (english:forward) isyarat paket data di antara segmen rangkaian LAN. Switch beroperasi pada lapisan hubungan data paras 2 (english:data link level, layer2) dan adakalanya pada lapisan rangkaian paras 3 (english:network level, layer 3) di dalam Model OSI (Open Standard Interconnectivity). Rangkaian LAN yang menggunakan switch dipanggil Switched LAN atau (jika rangkaian ini berdasarkan Rangkaian Ethernet) disebut juga EThernet LAN.

Switch lebih cekap berbanding Hub kerana ia tidak mengulangi isyarat ke semua port. Sebaliknya ia memilih port destinasi sahaja dan menghantar isyarat data ke destinasi melalui port tersebut.

Router adalah alat yang menghantar (english:forward) paket data di antara rangkaian komputer. Router disambungkan sekurang-kurangnya pada dua rangkaian, kebiasaannya di antara LAN-LAN, atau LAN-WAN atau LAN-ISP. Router Rangkaian terletak pada Gerbang Rangkaian (english:Network Gateway) iaitu tempat di mana dua rangkaian berhubung. Router mempunyai senarai rujukan headers dan forwarding untuk menentukan laluan isyarat paket data yang diterimanya.

Pada hari ini kebanyakan Router dilengkapkan fungsi serbaguna. Ia mengandungi fungsi Switch dan fungsi-fungsi yang lain seperti Network Address Translator (NAT), Dynamic Host Configuration (DHCP) server, Domain Name Service (DNS) proxy server dan Hardware Firewall.

Ringkasnya, sebagai pilihan yang mudah, pembina rangkaian biasanya memilih samada kombinasi Router-Switch atau Router yang dilengkapkan dengan Switch.


Gallery: - Koleksi Motivasi, Kata Mutiara dan Kata Minda.

Maksud Communication Channel

(Tajuk berkaitan: Apa itu, Maksud, Makna, Erti Communication Channel, Saluran Komunikasi)

Communication Channel (melayu:Saluran Komunikasi) bermaksud medium saluran yang dilalui data semasa ia dipindahkan di dalam rangkaian komputer.

Maksud Network Topology

(Tajuk berkaitan: APa itu, Makna, Maksud, Erti, Network Topology, Topologi Rangkaian)

Network Topology (melayu:topologi rangkaian) bermaksud corak susunatur (english:layout pattern) pelbagai elemen yang terdapat di dalam rangkaian komputer. Topologi boleh bersifat logikal atau fizikal. Topologi Logikal berkaitan dengan pemindahan data secara logikal manakala Topologi Fizikal berkaitan dengan rekabentuk fizikal rangkaian termasuklah lokasi dan pemasangan peranti dan kabel.

Antara contoh topologi adalah:
  • Bus
  • Ring
  • Mesh
  • Star
  • Fully Connected
  • Line
  • Tree
  • Line

Gallery: - Koleksi Motivasi, Kata Mutiara dan Kata Minda.

Maksud Communication Protocol

(Tajuk berkaitan: Apa itu, Makna, Maksud, Erti, Communication Protokol, Protokol Komunikasi)

Communication Protokol (melayu: Protokol Komunikasi) bermaksud sistem, peraturan atau format pertukaran mesej di antara mesin di dalam rangkaian komputer. Protokol biasanya meliputi isyarat, pengesahan dan pengesanan ralat. Protokol boleh membabitkan samada perisian atau perkakasan.

Antara protokol utama yang terdapat di dalam hubungan Internet:
  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
  • User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
  • Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
  • Post Office Protocol (POP3)
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  • Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)

Maksud Communication Media

(Tajuk berkaitan: Apa Itu, Maksud, Makna, Erti Communication Media, Media Komunikasi)

Communication Media (melayu:Media Komunikasi) bermaksud saluran, peralatan atau perkakasan yang digunakan untuk pemindahan atau simpanan data khususnya di dalam Rangkaian Komputer (english: Computer Networks).

Pada hari ini Media Komunikasi secara mudahnya boleh dibahagikan kepada dua kategori; wayar atau wayarles (english: wired or wireless).

Teknologi popular yang digunakan bagi kategori wayar adalah ethernet. Manakala teknologi popular bagi kategori wayarles adalah Bluetooth, Wifi (Wireless Fidelity) dan WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access).

Maksud Computer Network

(tajuk berkaitan: Apa Itu, Maksud, Makna, Erti Computer Network, Rangkaian, Jaringan Komputer)

Computer Network (melayu:Rangkaian Komputer) bermaksud himpunan (english:collection) mesin komputer yang saling berinteraksi melalui saluran komunikasi (english:Communication Channel) yang membolehkan setiap mesin menghantar dan menerima maklumat.

Rangkaian ini boleh dikelaskan mengikut pelbagai ciri. Antaranya mengikut jenis medium pembawa data, protokol komunikasi yang digunakan, skala rangkaian, topologi rangkaian dan skop organisasi di mana rangkaian ini berfungsi.

Bidang ini secara amnya membabitkan pengetahuan di dalam bidang kejuruteraan elektrik, telekomunikasi, sains komputer, teknologi maklumat dan kejuruteraan komputer kerana pengetahuan di dalam setiap bidang ini membentuk teori dan praktis bagi rangkaian komputer.

Contoh Rangkaian Komputer (Computer Network) ringkas yang terdapat di kebanyakan pejabat atau rumah pada hari ini

Sunday, February 12, 2012

60% Tak Boleh Hidup tanpa Smart Phones

(tajuk berkaitan: Tak, Tidak, Boleh Hidup Tanpa, Smart Phones, Telefon Pintar)

Seramai 1336 orang telah mengambil bahagian dalam tinjauan "Hooked On Smartphone" (Ketagihan Telefon Pintar, tajuk melayunya barangkali).

Dari jumlah ini, 86 orang menggunakan smart phone untuk akses Email, Twitter atau Facebook. 71 peratus pula membaca berita manakala 56 peratus bermain online games.

Separuh daripada jumlah responden menggunakan telefon nya 20 kali sehari bagi tujuan di atas dalam tempoh kurang 15 minit manakala 15 peratus lagi menggunakannya melebihi 30 minit.

Sementara 65 peratus responden menggunakan smart phone ketika mesyuarat atau makan, 59 peratus pula mengaku menggunakannya ketika memandu.



60% people ‘can’t live without their smart phones’
Published: Sunday, Feb 12, 2012, 13:36 IST
Place: Kuala Lumpur | Agency: ANI

In a recently conducted survey, 60% of the people admitted that they could not live without their smart phone.

1,336 people participated in the informal poll titled “Hooked on Smartphones”, which was posted in The Star online at midnight on Friday. Of that number, 70 percent were males and 75 percent were aged between 21 and 40, the Star Online reported.

The survey found that almost 86 percent of respondents used their smart phone to check their e-mail messages, tweets or to update their Facebook status.

About 71 percent needed it to check for news updates while 56 percent would play games on it.

Half of those polled used their phones six to 20 times a day for all these reasons while 24 percent were hooked on their phones more than 20 times a day.

A total of 55 percent who took part in the poll said they used their phones for less than 15 minutes each time while another 15 percent said they spent more than 30 minutes.

The survey also found that while 65 percent admitted using their smart phone during meetings and while having meals with others, 59 percent confessed to being on the phone while they were driving.

Facebook dan jualbeli maklumat peribadi di Internet

Berita tentang penyenaraian awam Facebook telah mencetuskan idea tentang jualbeli maklumat peribadi di Internet. Formula Facebook; tawarkan perkhidmatan kepada pengguna, kutip maklumat setiapkali mereka berinteraksi dan guna maklumat ini untuk pengiklanan.

Asalkan mereka dapat berinteraksi, pengguna membiarkan sahaja syarikat seperti Facebook mengaut keuntungan melalui maklumat interaksi mereka. Olehkerana maklumat peribadi ini adalah sesuatu yang menyumbang ke arah perolehan pendapatan, pengguna seharusnya diberi kuasa untuk mengawal penggunaan maklumat peribadinya di Internet dan seterusnya menerima pampasan atas kerelaannya membenarkan penggunaan tersebut.

Atas premis ini, Shane Green menubuhkan Personal Company untuk membantu pengguna Internet mengawal penggunaan maklumat peribadi mereka di Internet melalui perkhidmatan yang dikenali sebagai "Data Locker".


Start-Ups Seek to Help Users Put a Price on Their Personal Data
Published: February 12, 2012

Facebook’s pending initial public offering gives credence to the argument that personal data is the oil of the digital age. The company was built on a formula common to the technology industry: offer people a service, collect information about them as they use that service and use that information to sell advertising.
Enlarge This Image

Daniel Rosenbaum for The New York Times
Shane Green, standing, founded Personal, a company that helps people control their personal data on the Internet, using what is known as a data locker.
Enlarge This Image

The data that people store in their locker can be as prosaic as birth dates, or as specific as a preference for spicy foods.
People have been willing to give away their data while the companies make money. But there is some momentum for the idea that personal data could function as a kind of online currency, to be cashed in directly or exchanged for other items of value. A number of start-ups allow people to take control — and perhaps profit from — the digital trails that they leave on the Internet.

“That marketplace does not exist right now, because consumers are not in on the game,” said Shane Green, who founded a company called Personal in 2009.

The idea behind Mr. Green’s company involves two steps. First, his team created a series of personal data vaults, which contain thousands of data points about its users (the company calls them owners). This data can be as prosaic as birth dates, or as specific as someone’s preference for spicy foods. People control what information they share and remove data they don’t want to share at any time.

The problem is that companies don’t need to pay for the information when they get it free.

“The killer app isn’t here yet,” said William Hoffman, who is working on a multiyear study of the economics of personal data for the World Economic Forum. But with increased consumer awareness of the value of that information — Facebook could be worth as much as $100 billion — that may soon change. “I’m willing to bet that within the next 12 months something big will catch on,” he said.

The concept of treating data like currency has long excited certain computer programmers and academics. But to almost everyone else, it is boring. Personal data management has none of the obvious appeal of social networks or smartphones. But concerns about privacy may be changing that, Mr. Hoffman said.

Many of the new ideas center on a concept known as the personal data locker. People keep a single account with information about themselves. Businesses would pay for this data because it allows them to offer personalized products and advertising. And because people retain control over the data in their lockers, they can demand something of value in return. Maybe a discounted vacation, or a cash payment.

Proponents of personal data lockers do not see them simply as a solution to privacy concerns. Rather, they hope that people will share even more data if there is a market for them to benefit from it.

The first step seems to be establishing trust. monitors the Internet for potentially harmful information and tries to remove it, while the Locker Project looks to create a single place where users can find what they see and do online. On, which is in a private testing period, users vouch for one another, confirming that, for instance, someone is indeed a basketball player or a bookworm in an attempt to create a credible online reputation.

To popularize the concept of the data locker, Personal wants to create a market for exchanging access to data. Mr. Green says users will reap either cash or other benefits, like heavy discounts on certain products. In January the White House announced that it would work with Personal and several other companies to allow students to download their academic data from federal databases and store it in a data locker. Personal says it is also working on partnerships with businesses.

A challenge for the company will be whether it can offer enough money to persuade people to use the system. Consumer information is worth billions in aggregate, but individually, the bits of data are worth practically nothing. A study by JPMorgan Chase last year showed that a unique user was worth $4 to Facebook and $24 to Google. Others looked at Facebook’s recent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and placed the value of a user as high as $120.

Singly, a similar service that is still in a testing period, feels that developers can create better personalized services for people if all of the personal data can be accessed from a single location. With a person’s permission, Singly draws data about them from around the Web, and allows them to share it with developers.

Jason Cavnar, a founder of Singly, is skeptical that personal data will be exchanged in the straightforward transactions that other data locker companies propose. While people may be willing to share their lists of Facebook friends, the bar is set higher for, say, the specifics of their financial history. Developers can build dozens of apps based on what one’s friends on social media like to eat, but they are not churning out nearly so many that rely on, say, private financial data.

Instead, he says people will create data lockers and share their contents because they will receive compelling services by doing so. This idea has already been successful with, which has shown that people will share confidential financial information in exchange for money-management advice.

People will not share information without a level of trust, and that is what the personal data management companies are trying to sell. The final barrier is that people may find creating detailed databases about themselves too onerous to justify the potential rewards. In order to create a real market for data, enough people need to see an immediate, tangible benefit in filling up their lockers, said Mr. Green of Personal.

He said he took note of this while presenting his product to groups of potential users. They nodded along with him as he told them about privacy and control. But when he showed his audience how entering their data into Personal allowed them to fill out online forms with a single click, something snapped for them.

“I don’t think we quite realized how much of an emotional vein that tapped into,” he said, “It’s not easy to make data sexy or fun. It’s not sharing photos with your friends on Facebook.”

Google TV kini muncul di Internet!

Setelah Eric Schmidt memberi bayangan kemunculan Google TV menjelang pertengahan 2012, Google TV Facebook telah membuat kejutan tentang kemunculan perkhidmatan ini di Internet. Sebenarnya, ia adalah versi Google You Tube yang telah dikemaskini.

Versi Google You Tube ini dikhabarkan akan menawarkan penayangan video penstriman (english: video streaming) lebih pantas dan penyediaan pautan "Discoveries" yang menyediakan pilihan kandungan premium kepada pengguna.

Google TV Facebook page teases new announcement (Update: It's a new YouTube app)
By Christopher Trout posted Feb 12th 2012 6:40PM

Since Eric Schmidt made the rather bold proclamation that "most" new TVs would have Google TV embedded by summer 2012, we've all been waiting for something "big" from Mountain View. Well, if you can believe the services' Facebook page, "big announcements" are just what we can expect Monday. A post on Google TV's profile leaves a lot to the imagination, but while speculation is already jumping sky-high (Google TV Nexus, anyone?) the possibilities range all the way from new product announcements to minor service / feature expansions or contests -- so set your alert levels accordingly. Of course, if it were really a big deal then you'd think the news would come out on Google+, right?

Update: Just that fast, the official blog has revealed the big announcement and it's.... an updated version of the YouTube app. For what it's worth, the new version is supposed to be faster with smoother navigation when it starts rolling out "in the next few days." It also adds a "Discover" feature for browsing by category, new channel pages and better tie-ins for related videos, which should help viewers browse its growing library of premium content, but isn't exactly the big announcement some may have anticipated. Check the blog for more details and return to DEFCON 5.

Windows 8 bakal saingi iPad?

A Windows 8 Metro screen showing Microsoft Office 15 applications. Having a full version of Office on a tablet may be Microsoft's trump card.

Saingan utama iPad buat masa ini adalah peranti berdasarkan perisian sistem Android, yang mencatat jualan tertinggi melalui Amazon (Malah jika anda meninjau laman jual beli tempatan,, hal yang sedemikian juga berlaku).

Akan tetapi, keupayaan Android jauh berbeza dari iPad. Seseorang yang membeli peranti berdasarkan sistem ini tidak boleh mengharapkan sesuatu yang hebat setanding iPad. Pengguna yang membeli sistem berasaskan Android buat masa ini harus menerima hakikat bahawa mesin komputernya akan melayari laman web secara lembab, tersekat-sekat atau tergantung.

Windows 8 dikhabarkan akan mensasarkan tumpuan ke arah penggunaan tablet pc. Berdasarkan rekod silam Microsoft yang berjaya menyediakan perisian ramah pengguna, kehadiran Windows 8 sudah pasti ditunggu-tunggu oleh pengguna yang mahu menggunakan tablet pc berdasarkan sistem ini. Bayangkan jika pengeluar PC tegar seperti Hewlett Packard memasarkan tablet PC berasaskan Windows 8 yang dilengkapi dengan perisian Microsoft Office, sudah tentu pengguna sedia ada PC tidak mahu beralih angin kepada iPad lagi.


A Windows 8 tablet offers hope as potent iPad foe

With Windows 8 now on a clearer path to release, expect the big device makers to try to crash the raucous Apple party with Microsoft leading the way.
Whither Android? So far, the only Android tablet supplier to come close to busting up the nonstop iPad festivities is Amazon.
That's high irony. Amazon is hardly a hardware company. And certainly a far cry from the likes of Motorola, Dell, Sony, Toshiba, Samsung, and Asus. All of which have failed to come up with a blockbuster Android alternative to the iPad. (Samsung and Asus have had limited success, but nothing that rivals the iPad in numbers.)
Here's what Deutsche Bank's Chris Whitmore said this week in a research note below a heading entitled "No iPad-killer in this bunch."
Analyst unsure about Android: "In the past 12 months, the tablet market has been flooded with a slew of Android-based devices; none of which have matched the success of the iPad. From a hardware perspective, it is clear most offerings are 'me-too' with little to no differentiation."
Whitmore continues. "We continue to believe these Android-based 'iPad-killers' will fall short. Many [device makers] seem to agree and are shifting their efforts on Win8 based tablets, which should ship in 2H12 (second half 2012)."
And this week that shift gained some velocity when Microsoft provided more clarity about Windows 8 on ARM in fairly exacting detail.
Waiting for a Windows 8 tablet: Personally, I'm anxious to get my hands on a Win 8 tablet from, say, Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Sony, or Samsung. Why? My experience (going on two months now) with the Motorola-Verizon XyBoard 10.1 (aka, Xoom 2) running Android 3.2 has been less than satisfying (though I do love Motorola's thin, lightweight design). In short, Android on my XyBoard doesn't have the reliability of iOS on my iPad 2.
Related stories
How the two flavors of Windows 8 will be different
TI offers rare demo of Windows 8 Explorer on newest ARM chip
The default Android browser often fails at doing really basic things like rendering Web pages quickly and opening mobile Web pages on some sites (forcing the browser to default to "desktop" seems to help). Other browsers like Opera Mobile are fast but have other shortcomings. Seem trivial? When you use the Web a lot like I do it's not (and I could go on, but that's for another post on another day).
Maybe I'm whining but here's the rub: I don't have these problems on the iPad. And I get the uneasy feeling that Motorola and/or Verizon don't have the laserlike focus that Apple has on product support. And Google's highly fragmented approach to upgrading Android (who knows when my XyBoard will get Android 4.0?) only makes things worse.
Maybe Microsoft brand + smooth user experience can offer a good iPad alternative: And this is where Microsoft has a shot at making things better. If Hewlett-Packard, for instance, can deliver a smooth (the catchall word to describe what Apple provides and Android lacks) experience on a Windows 8 tablet, plus access to a full version of Microsoft Office and Windows' file system to boot, that would be enough to give consumers pause when considering an iPad.
And Microsoft can use its most lethal weapon (Office) to turn the tablet into more of a creation/productivity device. The iPad (or any tablet for that matter) is still largely a passive experience.
Discipline is needed too. Microsoft has plenty of experience with making sure the user experience is relatively stable across different brands. In fact, some heavy-handed, authoritarian oversight never hurts when it comes to making sure the experience is smooth (Apple comes to mind).
Who knows, Microsoft may even steer buyers away from a next-generation 9-inch Kindle Fire while pulling consumers out of the long iPad lines.
If the price is right, that is. Needless to say, if Windows 8 tablets are not price competitive with the iPad, all bets are off.

BBC apologises for airing paid PR pieces

BBC apologises for airing paid PR pieces
12:10PM Feb 12, 2012
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has apologised for airing sponsored current affairs programmes which includes eight that featured Malaysia.

BBC mohon maaf siarkan dokumentari tajaan M'sia
12:39PM Feb 12, 2012
Perbadanan Penyiaran British (BBC) telah memohon maaf kerana menyiarkan program hal ehwal semasa yang ditaja, termasuk lapan yang memaparkan Malaysia.

Dalam satu kenyataan di laman web BBC semalam, badan itu berkata "sebilangan kecil" program-program yang disiarkan di BBC World News antara Feb 2009 dan Julai 2011, melanggar peraturan dalaman yang bertujuan melindungi integriti editorial.

"Peraturan ini memastikan program ini adalah berkecuali dan dilihat bebas dari pengaruh iklan atau tekanan sama ada dari dalam mahupun luar," kata kenyataan tersebut.

Walaupun program yang tidak berkaitan dengan Malaysia disebut tanpa mendedahkan butiran terperinci, BBC menyatakan dengan jelas bahawa lapan program yang disiarkan mempunyai “hubungan kewangan” dengan kerajaan Malaysia.

"Ini bermakna terdapat percanggahan kepentingan, walaupun BBC tidak menyedari perkara berkenaan ketika program itu disiarkan," kata kenyataan tersebut.

Ia juga langsung tidak menyebut mengenai firma perhubungan awam yang berpangkalan di London FBC Media Ltd yang menerbit atau menghasilkan lapan program dokumentari berkenaan.

Sebelum ini, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengakui di Parlimen bahawa kerajaan telah membayar 19.6 juta euro (RM80 juta) kepada FBC Media antara 2007 dan 2010 untuk meningkatkan imej Malaysia di mata dunia antarabangsa.

Antara lain, dokumentari yang diterbitkan memberikan gambaran yang positif mengenai industri kelapa sawit Malaysia dan layanan istimewa terhadap orang asli di negara ini.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Leaked Windows 8 shots show missing Start orb

Leaked Windows 8 shots show missing Start orb
— 9:39 AM on February 6, 2012

Microsoft seems to be erasing all traces of the Start menu we all know and love, at least in Windows 8's default configuration. Last year's Developer Preview already responded differently to a click on the Start orb in Desktop mode, bringing up the so-called charm bar with a link to the Metro tile screen. Now, screenshots of a fresh Windows 8 build gathered by Neowin show the Start orb has disappeared.

Neowin suggests the orb can be summoned back by moving the mouse cursor to the bottom-left of the screen, although that simply brings up the Metro UI. In effect, the taskbar in Windows 8's Desktop interface will work chiefly as a launchpad for commonly accessed apps. With the old Start menu gone, being able to open applications quickly without having to switch to Metro will presumably be useful indeed.

I'm still not crazy about the Start menu's disappearance, but I can understand why Microsoft would ditch the orb: it invites users to expect an old behavior that's been excised. (I was surprised myself when clicking the orb brought up Windows 8's charm bar in the Developer Preview.) I just hope power users have an option to restore the old functionality in its entirety, at least if they intend to spend most of their time in Metro.

Terkini! Gambar Screenshot Windows 8

Gambar rahsia Screenshot Windows 8 telah bocor ke pengetahuan awam.

Versi terbaru Microsoft Windows 8 hilang satu komponen penting - butang Mula dan menu, bahagian ikon yang sudah sebati dengan sistem operasi Microsoft sejak ia diperkenalkan semenjak Windows 95.

Butang akan berubah menjadi 'Launchpad' sistem operasi, yang menawarkan akses kepada perisian, fail dan fungsi carian.

Versi awal Windows 8 dikenali 'orb' - membuang sama sekali komponen butang ini, mengikut sumber yang bocor.

Microsoft telah mengumumkan akan mengeluarkan sistem operasi yang baru, sesuai dengan touchscreens , tetapi ia dijangka untuk mengeluarkannya pada separuh kedua tahun ini.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Pengenalan 2.0

(tajuk berkaitan: Apa itu, maksud, makna erti, What is Active Server Pages)

ASP adalah singkatan kepada Active Server Pages, iaitu teknologi penghasilan perisian aplikasi web berdasarkan senibina Pelanggan-Pelayan. (english: Client-Server Architecture).

Maksud Program Development Life Cycle

(Tajuk berkaitan: Apa itu, Maksud, Makna, Erti, Program Development Life Cycle, Kitaran Hayat Pembangunan Program)

Saya selesai menulis tentang maksud Program Development Life Cycle. Kadang-kadang istilah ini ditukarganti dengan istilah System Development Life Cycle dan Software Development Life Cycle. Meskipun ketiga-tiganya berkait rapat, skop mereka berbeza. (Lihat maksud System, Software dan Program)

Artikel yang saya tulis ini khusus untuk menjelaskan kitaran hayat bagi skop Cmputer Program (melayu:Aturcara Komputer). (Baca Selanjutnya...)

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Belajar menulis aturcara komputer secara online (atas-talian)

Anda mungkin tertanya-tanya soalan berikut:

Bolehkah saya belajar menulis aturcara komputer secara online (atas-talian)?

Bolehkah saya belajar menulis aturcara tanpa memasang (install) apa-apa perisian pembangun aplikasi (application development software).

Pada saat blog ini ditulis, jawapannya adalah ya.

Dengan kemajuan perkhidmatan laman web, telah ada tapak web yang menyediakan persekitaran bersepadu (integrated environment) ; semakan kod sintaks (code syntax checking) , penyahpijatan (debugging) dan pelarian aturcara (program running).

Anda boleh berkunjung ke tapak web untuk melihat kemudahan ini secara lebih lanjut.

Di sana, anda akan mendapati persekitaran bersepadu yang menawarkan khidmat suntingan aturcara bagi bahasa aturcara berikut:

AWK (gawk)
AWK (mawk)
C99 strict
Common Lisp (clisp)
D (dmd)
JavaScript (rhino)
JavaScript (spidermonkey)
Pascal (fpc)
Pascal (gpc)
Perl 6
Prolog (gnu)
Prolog (swi)
Python 3
Scheme (guile)

Tentu sahaja bilangan ini lebih daripada memadai untuk membantu anda meningkatkan kemahiran dalam pengaturcaraan komputer.

Apa itu Pengaturcaraan Komputer

(tajuk berkaitan: Maksud, erti, makna, apa itu pengaturcaraan komputer, what is computer programming)

Pengaturcaraan Komputer adalah aktiviti menghasilkan Aturcara Komputer (english: Computer Program). Aktiviti ini meliputi :

1) Analisa Masalah (Problem Analysis)
2) Rekabentuk Penyelesaian (Solution Design)
3) Penulisan Kod (Code Writing)
4) Penyahpijatan (Debugging)
5) Pengujian (Testing)
6) Pemasangan (Installation)
7) Penyelenggaraan (Maintenance)

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